Things to bring camping: food, frisbee, friends, Farkle, and fffffcards.
Our two-day camping trip to Clearwater National Forest was a real celebration of our first week out of school. We strapped a canoe to the top of the Outback and packed a cooler full of burrito-makings, marshmallows and two-dozen cans of Blue Sky soda. We won't tell you where the campground is but we will tell you that the last two days included several hours of canoeing, hiking, and swimming (and skinny-dipping). The first night was so clear we were even able to sleep without the rain fly which made for some excellent star-gazing. For Nate and I, this was all in preparation for our big road trip coming up next week which is preparation for a summer full of more camping with some of our best friends.

- K & N