- K
Together Again
A party for one of my good friends who returned from Finland: we enjoyed this cake (with homemade vanilla sauce), Marimekko napkins, Moomin mugs and Clipper tea. We played games at the park and shared stories until late at night around the campfire. It is so good to have her home.

- K
- K
Into the Wind
The first 80 miles were spectacular- the sun pricked the sky just as we started from Dillon at 6 a.m. and stretched our shadows far across the asphalt. The first two passes were difficult but so pretty that I didn't even mind how much my legs were burning. But then came the wind. The last 50 miles were brutal: a strong 22 mph headwind with gusts up to 40. It never stopped. As my friend, D, said to me afterwards, "there are few things more demoralizing than a headwind." I considered quitting and hopping on the bus for the last 20 miles into Dillon, but I knew if I did that, I'd probably cry all the way in. So instead I pedaled through the final stretch. I was incredibly lucky to be riding with a tough and encouraging group. Anytime I would fall off the end of the pace line, one of the guys would turn around and pull to protect me from the wind. By the end, we were all covered in dust and sweat and unbelievable relief.
- K
"In The Morning, We Ride!"
An evening well spent in Dillon, MT. (fragment sentence, consider revising) They will awake at 5 am to ride at 6. And I will await their return to Missoula. Yes, it's true, this young lad isn't biking the RATPOD, but that's only because they wouldn't let me ride it sidesaddle, like I'm used to.
some photos K sent me:

- N
p.s. I will just be at home practicing this weekend.
p.p.s. Make sure you like and share that video. Let's give EnglishHeritageFilm the recognition they've always deserved.
some photos K sent me:
- N
p.s. I will just be at home practicing this weekend.
p.p.s. Make sure you like and share that video. Let's give EnglishHeritageFilm the recognition they've always deserved.
On Saturday I will ride RATPOD, a 130 mile bike ride in Montana's Big Hole Valley. Our training is finished and now I'm only left victim to my nerves. While my dad and brother are old hands at this ride, this year will be my first big attempt. In addition to three wilderness ranges, we will ride through some of the most beautiful country in Montana. Hopefully there will be minimal wind, few flats and no tears. And from what I've heard, there is a pie stop at mile 107. Thank goodness for pie.

- K
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Lake Night, Post Rain
I've spent every summer since I can remember at Hayden Lake. And now that I'm here with my family, the days feel right again. This past year I've learned that college messes with what's right and flips your world upside down, especially when it comes to spending time with family. So the weeks at Hayden will be for settling into the familiar mold of the past summer feelings. Even after being here only a day, the familiar smells and sounds come rushing back. Dipping my toes in the cold June water, smelling cedar and fresh cut grass...it all just feels so right again.

P.S. I am officially in the middle of training season for RATPOD (130 mile bike ride) and the Missoula Half Marathon. And if I wasn't already crazy enough, I'm seriously considering registering for my first sprint triathlon in the middle of July. It's all pretty great but I just hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew...
- K
P.S. I am officially in the middle of training season for RATPOD (130 mile bike ride) and the Missoula Half Marathon. And if I wasn't already crazy enough, I'm seriously considering registering for my first sprint triathlon in the middle of July. It's all pretty great but I just hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew...
- K
The Burgertition
We concocted a plan about an hour into the car trip. The competition would include two famously unconventional fast food restaurants: Burgerville and In-N-Out Burger. After doing some iPhone research, both establishments seemed to hold high standards for fresh and local ingredients. Burgerville has 37 locations around the Portland area and In-N-Out has 268 locations headquartered in California. We decided that In-N-Out Burger is significantly less expensive, but for the extra moolah, Burgerville does add some gourmet flair (the fried asparagus was especially delicious). Burgerville won both the fry and strawberry milkshake competition, but In-N-Out served a more substantial and delicious single plain hamburger. But if you're willing to spring for a five to six dollar burger, Burgerville makes one hell of a Pepper Bacon. It just depends on what kind of mood you're in...and what state you're in. If you've tried one or both of them, let us know what you think.

- N & K
- N & K
To Be Home
There's always a jumble of sadness and excitement after a long trip. There's the excitement of seeing your sister and brother and sleeping in your own bed and just having that home feeling. But on the other hand, it's always sad to finish something you've been planning for a long time. And of course, unpacking the back of your Outback after a two week long trip is the pits. Despite all this though, I really am happy to be back in Missoula and ready for summer. There is much farmer's market-attending and cooking and swimming (and possibly more camping) to be had in the next couple weeks. And one of my best friends is coming home from her year-long Finland adventure. There sure is a lot to be excited about.

- K
- K
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