
Garden Night

We had a small dinner party in the backyard of a friend's house last night. Our plates were filled with zucchini from her garden and roasted potatoes from the farmers' market. And for dessert we smothered vanilla ice cream with homemade rhubarb strawberry compote. We sat in the grass until the sun dropped and cuddled with the sweetest three-legged-dog in the world. We can feel school creeping closer and are filling August with as much summerness as we can. 

- K


  1. Aw, that last picture is so lovely. What a good dog.

    1. she really is the sweetest ever. you wouldn't believe it, but she had her amputation surgery only a couple months ago. she's a real trooper.

  2. well, this is inspiring. i'm so glad summer is coming to my hemisphere because it brings with it such a sense of community and possibility.
