I'm wishing the happiest twentieth birthday to my beautiful twin sister and very best friend. It'll be a day filled with classes and work and busy busy times but we'll sit down tonight and celebrate by eating gluten-free cake and exchanging a gift to each other. This first picture is one of us as six-year-olds after we moved to Montana. The second one is at our senior prom. And then a poem I wrote last year around this time. Happy happy day!

I was held between
flesh wall and twin.
Warm, wet darkness
Warm, wet darkness
and shifting breath of sister.
We were born
and held the same smile,
a zigzag across our peach faces,
creating kaleidoscope pictures
from the brightened hospital room.
Our hands and feet knotted
in the cradle,
a tangle of crisp blankets,
wisps of light hair
and wailing toothless mouths.
Twinhood, a dual mosaic
of first steps and first words.
I crawl and you watch,
I step and you watch,
and you mimic like shadow.
A lightness holds us,
like soft hands hold
a fish or a bird,
your body and mine
in a quiet, still space
of utter unison.
- K
k, this is so sweet. just lovely. can't wait to celebrate with you two on sunday.