
A Walk

Mt. Sentinel is my favorite place to go walking. Usually, I run up the trail, but today we just took a walk. It was almost warm enough for bare feet and Chacos, but last minute, we felt the need for socks as well. Being on Mt. Sentinel makes me feel so good; at the end of the week when all I want to do is be alone or be outside for a little while, the breeze and the view leave me feeling calm. We didn't quite make it to the backside today, but that's where it's most beautiful.  I am usually the only one on the whole mountain, while the rest of Missoula is just below the last rounded hill. I'll bring my camera to the very top sometime, but for now, I'll just leave you with some shots of a lovely Friday afternoon.ImageImageImage

Image- K


  1. love this post, kelton! the last photo is wonderful, who put those chairs there? i miss missoula.

  2. One time when I was taking the train back from Montana, I woke up and thought there were chairs like that on the mountain. There weren't, though--just a dream. Love the new blog, dudes! Hugs!
