
Camping. Snow Camping.

Looking to make one last hurrah together, before the end of the World on Friday, we researched possible winter road trips and getaways. We sifted through cabins across the state but found nothing worthwhile, and considered, however briefly, taking a road trip down to Durham, NC to see our recently-escaped friend. But in the end, we settled with the tried-and-true Bass Creek Campground, just a little jaunt south of Missoula. 

The campground was closed, but luckily Nate knew of the picnic area accessible through the back (Nate is also very handsome and strong). So we tucked our tent up into the trees and made camp.

Our adventure consisted primarily of keeping warm. We'd never gone snow camping before and realized early into the evening that it was slightly more difficult than anticipated. Despite our troubles with starting a fire, ice-cold fingers and toes, fifteen hours in sleeping bags, and excessive amounts of bacon, we actually did have a very fun time. We had icy Bass Creek to keep us company in an otherwise-silent white wood. Also, we managed to cook up this delicious corn chowder in the dark, and ended the night thankful for fire and warm sleeping bags in sub-fifteen degree temperatures.  

- N & K

p.s. You should listen to this. It rocks our stockings off.


  1. I pretty much hate snow camping while it's happening and love it after. which is actually how I feel about most things involving cold. but! cool that you're from Missoula! and I'm sad that you didn't get to see Sufjan singing those songs in the flesh (and tinsel and balloons).

    1. i can understand what you mean! i think snow camping would have been even more fun with friends- a good distraction from the cold temperatures. i've been listening to the sufjan stevens christmas album all month so i basically feel like i went to his concert :)

  2. Wonderful! That's so fun! I have been looking for cabins and things to have a little winter getaway, but I like your style! We may have to do just that! We're headed to Coeur d'Alene this evening for a late anniversary getaway before holiday shtuff. Stay cozy!

    1. through some of our research, we found some cabins up by whitefish called "north forty cabins". they looked cheap and nice and obviously pretty close to glacier park. so we might try again and take a little trip that way in january. my family and i are headed to coeur d'alene tomorrow to visit family for the new year. one of my favorite places. i hope you had so much holiday fun!

  3. beeeeeautiful pictures, your dog is so cute!


