
Orange Skies and Peach Pies(ish)

Boy, have we been busy. The first week of school is always the longest. And combined with working, ultimate frisbee practices and gatherings with friends, last week was a bit overwhelming.

Missoula valley has been all smoky skies lately. In the evening, it turns everything bright orange and there's an eery feel when the sun sets. So it's fitting to be thinking of this song quite often

We attended a potluck this weekend and my friend made a beautiful peach and ricotta tart. Hopefully things will slow down a bit and more delicious cooking/baking will take place amidst homework breaks. Despite all the busyness however, I think this semester is going to be a pretty darn good one.

- K


  1. that is a pie(ish), but gosh, it looks good! lovely lovely weekends.

  2. I wish I could go back to school...those were the days. now it's all work, work, work, and even if I love it, sometimes is hard. that pie looks good.

  3. Love all that orangey-ness in these photos. Good luck to you this semester! :)

    1. thanks so much! and good luck the beginning of your teaching year as well.

  4. that tart is so beautiful, and so perfect! wow! happy new semester :)
